Fishing in Croatia on the island Dugi otok

Dugi otok is still one of those places where you can feel on the edge of the world. The island is lucky to be close to the mainland, but not too close. The ferry connections from Zadar to Brbinj are twice a day, and this leads the mass of tourists to stop in Zadar or the islands closer to the coast, such as Ugljan and Pasman.
This fact helps to leave the picturesque territory intact. The sea surrounding the island is as beautiful as in all the nation and perfect for Croatia fishing trips. Dugi otok offers many coves and bays, some can only be reached by boat: the sea is often calm and there are no dangers as in tropical seas, nothing better for a fishing holiday!

Bottom fishing Croatia in Dugi otok

This kind of fishing is done from the boat and Dugi otok offers several good positions near to the holiday apartments reaching interesting depths.
There are many things to consider in order to be successful when planning the fishing trip: check the local tides, sea currents, depth of seabed, time of day, adequate lead, use the living or natural bait. It is also essential to fish with a long carbon rod, particularly elastic to perceive the fish biting and it is also necessary to have interchangeable chimneys.
We are happy to give advice to the guests of our holiday apartments, also because it is very difficult to understand where to stop in the sea, just by observing the chart and the fishfinder. We are also grateful to advice on fishing lines and hooks.

Spearfishing Croatia in Dugi otok

The island of Dugi otok is the ideal location to get your fish!
So put on your fins, mask and snorkel and be ready to dive into the silence of the wonderful underwater world.
The wetsuit for summer wear is three millimeters, while in spring and autumn the 5 millimeter wetsuit is more than comfortable. For the seabed of Dugi otok it is ideal to wear a camouflage or black suit to hide the presence of the fisherman. In addition to the elastic or spear gun, we recommend the use of a good knife. A floating balloon to signal the presence of the diveris mandatory in Croatia.
Fishing at sea requires a good physical and mental preparation.
There are three kinds of spearfishing: in shallow water, freediving spearfishing and scuba dive spearfishing. In fact, spearfishing requires also technique: you have to be quick to aim the prey, you need to be a good swimmer and have very fast reflexes.

Trolling in Croatia Dugi otok

This type of fishing is very active and it is done from a moving boat: the island of Dugi otok has beautiful seabed suitable for trolling.
When trolling, a lure is dragged through the sea behind a boat at varying speeds and depth depending on the species. We are happy to advise the guests of our apartments: the locations are close to the vacation rental in Verunic.
This type of fishing is exciting and full of fun. When you return home, the catch will be prepared on the barbecue. Those who stay in our apartments have the chance to have the fish grilled at the Grill Gorgonia.

Croatia tuna fishing in Dugi otok

Tuna fishing offers special emotions.
We leave the holiday apartment in the morning and get ready for the boat fishing trip. We move away from the coast of Dugi otok towards the open sea to reach the location. We throw sardines as pasture into the sea to attract our prey to the surface. We throw our hooks and wait that with the help of the current the tuna arrives covering large stretches of sea.
The peace of the sea, the expectation of fish in good company create pleasant emotions!
For tuna, there is the law of catch and release almost ever: there are very few tunas that can be retained. So we keep the fish out of the water just as long as we can hold our own breath.
This fish is a great fighter; it is great to catch it and just as great to release it immediately afterwards.

Fishing in Croatia from the cost of Dugi otok

Fishing from the Croatia shore in Dugi otok: you`ll find nice fishing locations and in the meantime you can enjoy the sun and holiday by the sea.
To go rock fishing you need suitable equipment and a sensitive fishing rod that detects the prey without difficulty. You throw the bait and let it float in the sea. This allows to try to catch larger fish such as sea bream or seabream. The fish spends a lot of time near the shore, so you don’t have to throw far.
Children love to arm themselves with a fishing net and catch crabs and shrimps, which are good baits for sea bass.

Croatia fishing permit

In Croatia a fishing licence is required for all types of fishing. You can buy this permit online.
During the purchase you have to add the area where you want to fish the most: this information is only for statistical purposes, in fact you can fish everywhere except of ports and beaches. The duration of the fishing permit in Croatia varies from 1, 3 to 7 days, one month to one year. For the guests of our apartments we help to obtain a fishing permit.
The purchase is confirmed by obtaining a serial number that it will be important to keep with you while fishing. You can fish a maximum of 5 kg per person or per boat, as well as one big fish: this applies to all types of fishing.

We love to remind that nature and sea must be safeguarded and protected: they must not be polluted with fishing lines or plastic. Fish must be caught just in order to be eaten and to fully enjoy the holidays.


We are Miriam and Gianni, sea and good food lovers. We like spending our evenings drinking wine and chatting with our guests.

We speak several languages and this opens our doors to the world.

We love Dugi otok and to share our experiences about the island.

Choose your experience
Slide 1

Gorgonia Autumn Break

Slide 2

Diving Escape

Slide 3

Gorgonia Gourmet Experience

Slide 4

Sea Adventures

Slide 4

Kayak Getaway



Gorgonia Apartments & Suites
23287 Veli Rat – Verunic, Dugi otok, Croatia
Mobile and WhatsApp:  00385 91 737 9823

    © Gorgonia Apartments & Suites