Croatia island holidays for Easter

Croatia island holidays for Easter ​
The islands of Croatia are many and we often wonder which island to visit. Most important each one has specific characteristics and a special charm. For example the island of Dugi otok has a lot to offer even outside of the summer months.
In particular someone asks us what to see in 7 days in Croatia during the Easter vacations. Thus borns the idea of writing the following lines to tell you about our stay on the Long Island.
Specifically the vacation begins when we arrive at the harbour of Zadar Gazenica and we buy the ticket for the Jadrolinja ferry. The trip to Brbinj takes 90 minutes. In the same way we take out our playing cards and relax on board.

Day 1 cycling holidays

First day in Croatia and the sun shines as we decide to take a bike tour. Above all we want to go to Sakarun beach and ride to the two bays of Lopata Cape. For instance we inflate the tires, put on our helmets and set off. Besides the apartment is near the sea and the asphalt path runs flat along its shores.

In addition the air smells of broom whose yellow flowers are in full bloom. On the way out we follow the main road. At the same time we meet only one car. It is that of the letter carrier who delivers mail.

In the distance at the big crossroads we turn left. Then we follow the dirt path. For instance the road surface is stony but good. Here the scents change. Namely there are bushes of rosemary with its purple flowers and the needles of pine trees that release pleasant scents.

For a while the path reminds us of distant times and great labors. Equally we notice stone walls on both sides that recall the effort of men to have made such constructions.  The bicycles cross a small bridge that dates back to the time when the island belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Soon we arrive at the beach of Sakarun. It is one of the best beaches in Croatia. Meanwhile we are not yet in full tourist season and for this reason the bay is just available to us. However we notice only a German couple in the distance and an Austrian family with children. In detail the beach looks like in winter with lots of dry poseidonia that the sea has thrown ashore. In the coming weeks an excavator will prepare the beach for the arrival of tourists.

What wonderful colors has the sea in this stretch of coas! There are all shades of blue. Moreover two sailing boats occupy a stretch of the inlet. Some of the crew is swimming. Yet the water temperature is cool. In other words you have to be a daredevil to swimm but the warmth of the sun and the color of the sea invite to do so.

Afterward we continue our tour up to Cape Lopata. The view is truly wonderful because it sweeps over the two pebble bays of this peninsula. During our stay we sit down to admire the sea and to enjoy this peace. Specifically we listen to the sounds of the surf and feel the sun warming our skin. Again the air has the scent of the many wild herbs that grow on this arid stretch between white stones and dark blue waters.

Day 2 alternative activities

Today we are going to look for wild asparagus. At least all the inhabitants of the Croatian islands at this time of the year are looking for this delicious vegetable.

Immediately we enter the countryside we are happy to be away from traffic and asphalt. In this sad time of pandemic we particularly appreciate the fact that we can walk free and without a mask on our faces. Likewise we breathe deeply and for a moment we don’t think about the coronavirus.

Soon we leave the path and enter the olive trees. To illustrate the wild asparagus are thin, green and tall. Of course they have a pleasant scent and as we pick them our mouths are already watering.

While looking for this funny vegetable we relax completely. In particular the mind is freed from worries and thoughts. We reflect that it would be a useful way to cure those who have stress problems because here you feel to be out of the world and away from anxieties.

During the morning our path takes us through cultivated fields, olive groves and wild lands. In fact the sea can be seen in the distance and reminds us of the beautiful things in life. Afterwards we return to the vacation rental and prepare lunch.
Meantime while the water boils for the pasta we prepare the asparagus sauce. It is so good that we eat all. It’s a real treat that will inspire us to go back to the countryside in the following days to look for more asparagus.

Later we spend the afternoon reading the book in pure relaxation.

Day 3 fishing holidays in Croatia

Today we dedicate the day to fishing. During the morning the sea is completely flat.

After the long winter we are pleased to feel the sun on our skin. But above all we spot three dolphins in the distance. Besides we try to attract them with whistles but to our dismay they come closer but not as close as we would like. However we follow their dorsal fins with our eyes and listen to their snorting every time they come to the surface. The sight of them fills us with good mood.

Croatia’s island holidays are also magical for these wonderful and unexpected meetings !

Slowly the wind picks up. The mistral blows lightly and ripples the surface of the sea. At the same time we read a book in German while casting our line. Meanwhile we fish we brush up on German words and phrases that are hard to get into our heads. But the rocking of the waves helps to memorize them. Equally we hope that the brain will do its part and try to remember everything when we disembark. In the meantime we manage to catch some fish and squids. In other words this is more than enough for dinner.

Later when we return home we light the fire and grill the fish. As starter we fry the squids.  In brief we decide to accompany the grilled fish with a pumpkin risotto.
Surely we love to eat! Being in the open air makes us even more hungry.

Day 4 Croatia walking holidays

Firstly we wake up and have a hearty breakfast. Then we feel energized. We squeezed some lemons that a kind gentleman plucked from his own tree. They were definitely tart as these citrus fruits must be but the idea that they were so fresh and genuine make us enjoy them more.

Secondly we dedicate the day to walking along the coast of Dugi otok. During the morning we walk around the village of Soline. It is specifically very quiet and we only meet a man cutting the grass in his garden. By the sea we notice some wild chard. Nevertheless we pick it up and imagine how to cook it. At the same time we decide to prepare it according to a traditional Dalmatian recipe.

Finally we enjoy it cooked with potatoes and olive oil. In addition to that we also have a piece of sheep cheese from an island farmer to eat.

After lunch we decid to drive to the big lighthouse of Veli Rat. In the meantime we reflect that one of the best islands of Croatia is just a perfect destination for families, children and couples. The islands lend to a vacation dedicated to nature and peace. They are all surrounded by such a blue sea that not even a painter could have found such an electrifying shade !

Afterward we walk on the rocks by the sea. In particular we feel like picking up smooth woods that have traveled long distances carried by the sea currents. Soft logs that would have their own stories of distant places to tell. We would like to revive them and to give them a second life. But we know that our vacation rental is already full of objects. Still we collect a long wood that reminds us the shape of Dugi otok. At home it finds place in the living room.

Someone found an old rope and with a piece of wood created a swing. Besides we stop for a moment to swing and become children again. Thus we throw our legs in the air and it already seems as if we’re flying over the horizon. How beautiful is the Adriatic Sea!

Day 5 spearfishing in Croatia

Already from the early morning hours a light cold wind is blowing. Last night the whole Europe was crossed by a polar cold coming from Scandinavia. In fact the peaks of the Velebit mountain range are covered with snow. Meteorologists speak of strangeness but by now we are all accustomed to abrupt climatic changes. Only the crystal clear sea invites to dive in because the air temperature is colder than the sea.

However it is almost impossible to resist the call of the blue water. Fortunately the sun is shining brightly. Moreover we notice a family with a dog. He certainly loves the water as well as he spends hours playing among the splashes and recovers the little pieces of wood.

Meanwhile the fishing is fruitful and also for today we have a fish dinner.

Day 6 tour of Dugi otok

Today we decide to take a tour south of Dugi otok also to get gasoline. The only gas station on the island is in Zaglav. Soon we head south. However we stop many times along the way to take pictures because the view is so beautiful. In fact we decided to propose the tourist office in Dugi otok the project of an island map in which the panoramic places are indicated.

In particular in the middle of the island the strip of land is so thin that you can see the sea on both sides. At this point the width is two kilometers. For example the eye catches sight of a small island large enough to host a pine tree and two bushes. On the contrary we do not know its name but we nicknamed it “Tuft”. Seen from the road it makes you want to parachute over. It’s a typical Robinson island.

After in the village of Zman we buy olive oil. It is definitely divine and first-press. Most important we imagine ourselves having dinner with bread, olive oil and a good bottle of wine. To top it off we are much more gluttonous and also add the octopus salad prepared the night before.

Day 7 of our Easter holidays

It is last day of our vacation. We enjoy Easter lunch in the company of loved ones. Specificaly we all we do a swab and test negative. In times of pandemic and for respect for those around us we stick to the rules. On Dugi otok island with few people and life in open spaces we have the luxury of forgetting for a moment the crisis and suffering. But in our hearts we remember all those who have lost close people and are going through bad times.

Surely we hope that as soon as possible we can return to a life close to what we knew before the pandemic. A healthy life without political tensions and economic problems.
On the ferry that takes us back to Zadar these thoughts come to mind. But in Dugi otok we have filled up with energy and breathed good air which allows us to look optimistically towards the future.

For information about vacation rental in Croatia
and how to reach Croatia by ferry
Line Zadar Gazenica – Brbinj.




We are Miriam and Gianni, sea and good food lovers. We like spending our evenings drinking wine and chatting with our guests.

We speak several languages and this opens our doors to the world.

We love Dugi otok and to share our experiences about the island.

Choose your experience
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Gorgonia Apartments & Suites
23287 Veli Rat – Verunic, Dugi otok, Croatia
Mobile and WhatsApp:  00385 91 737 9823

    © Gorgonia Apartments & Suites