Typical dish from Croatia with Chef Josh

At the beginning of this day we are very excited. In fact we have an appointment with a great chef from Germany. In this regard we want to introduce the character right away. His name is Josh Jabs who is a great grill expert and winner of numerous awards.

Of course Josh besides being a great griller is also a restaurant owner in Germany. Even more we are happy to welcome him and spend the day with him cooking. Likewise we remember our dear friend Miki Joldic who organized the meeting and the whole day dedicated to cooking with much joy.
For this reason the first picture is of both men.

Typical dish from Croatia with Chef Josh

To start the day begins with a fishing trip with a TV crew from the German channel KABEL 1. Precisely, it is the friendly cameraman Mike Bemmer who does the filming. In order to catch the fish, Gianni gets behind the wheel of the boat and leads the group into position for the bottom fishing. Although the fish don’t bite right away the time passes pleasantly between a beer and much fun.

Then here comes the fish. So that we return home in high spirits.
Meanwhile Gianni to delight the guests’ palates quickly prepares a plate of spaghetti with the house pesto sauce that leaves the diners happy. In fact Gianni cooks this simple sauce with local products such as basil from the garden, pecorino cheese from the island of Pag and home made olive oil.

Next, things get a bit more serious and Mike sets up the camera to film the famous octopus peka recipe that Gianni prepares every night at the Gorgonia Grill.

Typical dish from Croatia with Chef Josh

Adriatic octopus peka.
For this Gianni prepares all the ingredients together with Josh, on the table. Of course, the star of the dish is the octopus from the Adriatic Sea. In order for the dish to be especially tasty Gianni seasons it with delicious olive oil from Dugi otok, island spices with potatoes, vegetables, capers and olives.

But now let’s introduce more about the peka that is part of Croatia’s tradition. Basically it is a cast iron bell that covers the dish containing all the ingredients. These cook for a long time under the coals. For this purpose a large fire must be prepared.
In fact, the dishes cook in this way very slowly and takes all the good smells that the wood gives off.

Typical dish from Croatia with Chef Josh

Chef talks about himself
While we wait for the octopus to be ready, we sit down to chat with Chef Josh, Miki and cameran Mike. In all honesty we always like to be in company and talk to people. For this reason Gianni uncorks a good bottle of cold wine, which under the Croatian sun is always welcome. He also brings thinly sliced Dalmatian ham to the table.

In the meantime, Josh tells us about his experiences in the kitchen and gives us great suggestions about grilling and savoring. He is very generous in passing on his knowledge in the kitchen and we discover that he is a volcano of energy and ideas.

The octopus from the restaurant in Dugi otok

Finally the dish is ready! The potatoes are crispy and flavorful. In fact, during cooking they absorbed all the flavors of the octopus and spices.
This dish arouses enthusiasm in all lovers of the delights of the sea.

For all those who would like to see the broadcast recounting Chef Josh’s experience in Croatia aired on Kabel 1 can be found HERE. In fact, the video recounts the Chef’s tour among the barbecues of Croatia, including his visit to Gorgonia Grill in Dugi otok.

Ciao Chef Josh

To finish it is time to leave and the Chef with the television troop leaves Dugi otok.
We bid each other a fond farewell. It was a great pleasure to have had the opportunity to spend time together and we promise to visit Josh at his restaurant in Berlin.

For more information regarding Gorgonia Apartments and the restaurant in Dugi otok click HERE.









We are Miriam and Gianni, sea and good food lovers. We like spending our evenings drinking wine and chatting with our guests.

We speak several languages and this opens our doors to the world.

We love Dugi otok and to share our experiences about the island.

Choose your experience
Slide 1

Gorgonia Autumn Break

Slide 2

Diving Escape

Slide 3

Gorgonia Gourmet Experience

Slide 4

Sea Adventures

Slide 4

Kayak Getaway



Gorgonia Apartments & Suites
23287 Veli Rat – Verunic, Dugi otok, Croatia
Mobile and WhatsApp:  00385 91 737 9823

    © Gorgonia Apartments & Suites